
API for mobile text messages

Base URL


All requests are POST and the data must be passed via form-data

Sing up




Send text message (SMS)


Get sent messages


Forgot password ?

It is not possible to retrieve the forgotten password. You must reset it in a two-step process.

1. From the mobile phone used to sign up, send a text message to +45 21 28 04 41 with the words reset password and wait about 5 minutes to receive a reset code in your phone.

2. Create a new password: change-password

This feature will change. You will get the reset code in your email in the next version.

Verify account

From the mobile phone used to sign up, send a text message to +45 21 28 04 41 with the word fiotext

Once the text message is sent, please wait about 5 minutes. This process is necessary in order to avoid fake accounts and avoid bots in the system.

Only verified accounts can send text messages.

Delete account

From the mobile phone used to sign up, send a text message to +45 21 28 04 41 with the words bye fiotext

Deleting your account cannot be undone. All your data will be gone. Once the text message is sent, please wait about 5 minutes for your account to be deleted.


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